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Southeastern Media Network

Keeping You Informed & Connected to 'All Things HSE'

Southeastern Media Network

Keeping You Informed & Connected to 'All Things HSE'

Southeastern Media Network

Annoying holiday commercials

Ariel Edwards, Staff Writer December 15, 2014

‘‘Tis the season to be jolly!" Of course it is, but I am not jolly if i have to sit and watch another holiday commercial. I understand that it’s December and the holidays are literally right...

Crushing sexist judgments

Katie Scherzinger, Managing Editor December 15, 2014

This week during my study hall, I put my hair in a ponytail. I know that doesn’t seem like a monumental event—because it’s not. The classroom was warm, and I was sick of my hair falling in my face....

Golden Globe Grievances

Joseph Alcala, Staff Writer December 12, 2014

Award season is finally upon us, and while everyone awaits the Oscar nominations to be announced, the Golden Globe nominations have just recently been revealed. I couldn’t disagree with them more. Interstellar,...

C lunch improved significantly since last year

C lunch improved significantly since last year

Alison Eling, Copy Editor October 20, 2014

Some of you may remember my staff rant last year about the issues of food availability in C lunch. Those 475 words must have gotten a point across, because I received a response I was not expecting:...

Couples need to control PDA

Couples need to control PDA

Ariel Edwards, staff writer October 19, 2014

  I understand when couples are in a happy relationship, they feel the urge to show their happiness. This is not a problem but honestly, no one wants to see you guys sucking each other’s faces...

Gender roles do not create a successful relationship

Gender roles do not create a successful relationship

Demi Vigren, Staff Writer October 19, 2014

“Girls chase boys,” “guys have to ask the girl out,” “all guys are jerks”—the stereotypes for genders and relationships are endless. Not only do I wish they would stop, but I hope people...

Slow walkers are irritating

Slow walkers are irritating

Joseph Alcala, Staff Writer October 19, 2014

I have never understood the mentality of slow walkers in the hallways. Everyone has seven minutes to get to class; we can either walk to class, or we can stop and stand out of the way of people while...

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