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Southeastern Media Network

Keeping You Informed & Connected to 'All Things HSE'

Southeastern Media Network

Keeping You Informed & Connected to 'All Things HSE'

Southeastern Media Network

X2 Club Brings Issues Regarding Gender Equality to HSE

January 20, 2017

Throughout history, America has faced problems regarding gender equality. A little less than 100 years ago marked when women officially gained the right to vote. Even today people continue to fight for...

Zoology students visit zoo and learn about animals, environment, and conservation

Katie Scherzinger, Managing Editor October 17, 2014

On Thursday, Oct. 16, the zoology classes took a field trip to the Indianapolis Zoo. Their goal was to learn about conserving animals and their habitats, and to meet with zookeepers to ask questions about...

Senior day makes students seem important to the school

Demi Vigren, Staff Writer October 16, 2014

  On Wednesday, Oct. 15, the seniors held their annual senior breakfast. Instead of taking the PSAT like the juniors and sophomores, seniors were allowed to sleep in and report to school at 8:30 a.m....

The life during a half day affects students and staff

Demi Vigren, Staff Writer October 16, 2014

Half-days are the “fun” school days that only count as a full day four times a year. Students are allowed to leave after 11:45 a.m.; however, teachers are required to stay. This may leave students...

The fall play cast and crew work to present “A Bad Year for Tomatoes”

Demi Vigren, Staff Writer October 16, 2014

The actors have come together to present a play exclusively known. The play describes a woman named Myra Marlowe, a retired T.V actress writing her autobiography in a small New England town. For senior...

Students spend time in the library

Anna and lexy, videographers October 13, 2014

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