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Southeastern Media Network

Keeping You Informed & Connected to 'All Things HSE'

Southeastern Media Network

Keeping You Informed & Connected to 'All Things HSE'

Southeastern Media Network

Student Media Policies & Information

Southeastern Media Network News Policy:

Southeastern Media Network / HSE News / Hamilton Southeastern Student Media is a public forum, in which the staff of students make the decisions concerning content. SMN is the umbrella term used for the six different Student Media staffs at Hamilton Southeastern High School: Orb (newsmagazine), Sceptre (yearbook), HSETV (news broadcasting), Southeastern Sports Network (sports broadcasting and sports public relations & media), and StratComm (public relations). The SMN platforms include and, along with social media and print. All students are enrolled in a class and receive credit for their work.

Opinions in columns and letters are not necessarily those of the staff, nor should any opinion expressed in a public forum be construed as the opinion or policy of the administration, useless so attributed. All SMN staffs are public forums of student expression, students make all content decisions, and opinions expressed do not represent those of HSE Schools or the Board of School Trustees.

Unsigned staff editorials express the view of the majority of the student editorial board.

Letters to the editor are welcomed and will be published if signed and as space allows. The Student Media & Publication staffs reserves the right to edit letters for purposes of correct grammar, clarity, space and libelous content. Signed letters may be submitted to B117, B127 or B130 or submitted directly to an adviser at

The Student Media & Publication staffs are a member of the Indiana High School Press Association, Columbia Press Association, National Scholastic Press Association and the Student Press Law Center.

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