Every day after school, the HSE girls distance runners are putting in the work. They stretch at length to get warmed up, and then not too long after the team meeting, they hit the road running–literally–and run great lengths to keep in shape and prepped for any upcoming meets. Although their lungs burn, their legs start to feel heavy, and their calm sense of mind threatens to waver, they keep going and persevere until they reach the end.
Anaya Lammie, Catey Campbell, and Ava Powers are all strong distance runners on the HSE team. They all have run on the team competitively for multiple years and have enjoyed it immensely.
“To prepare for a race,” Senior Ava Powers starts, “I typically try to visualize and just relax”.
When going into these races, the HSE distance runners all have their own different routines that help them be the best they can be. And it’s not just what you do on the track but also off the track that can help you be prepared.
“…Before every long run or race,” Senior Anaya Lammie continues, “I always try to get a good meal in, like a bagel, and then I always pray because that gets me ready and helps me feel confident”.
While it’s crucial to be mentally or even spiritually prepared, others have different systems that work for them to be physically prepared as well. Making sure that you are well rested, have eaten well, and are loose is essential to helping your team win races.
“I try to drink lots of water, stretch, and roll out,” Senior Catey Campbell says, “then get good sleep early before”.
So, the key to an important race is to be mentally and physically prepared, but what about socially? According to these girls, having a good relationship with your teammates is vital and helpful, especially when it comes time to compete.
“My favorite thing about being a distance runner is probably just the dynamics of the team; we’re all just really close-knit, and we’re just very supportive of each other,” Ava fondly says. Anaya even said, “Every run or workout is like a long conversation; it’s really nice getting to talk while running.”
Through workouts, mental prep, and strong team bonds, the HSE girls’ distance runners prove that success is about more than just speed—it’s about resilience, strategy, and friendship. Whether pushing through tough races or simply enjoying long runs together, these athletes embody perseverance and teamwork. As they continue training and competing, one thing remains certain: their dedication to the sport, and to each other, will carry them across every finish line, whether on the track, or in real life.