At the end of the 2023-24 school year, the Science Department requested a mural to brighten up the upstairs F hallway. After asking the Art Department to help, Angela Fritz, an art teacher, decided to involve the National Art Honor Society (NAHS). Students participating in NAHS have helped to paint a mural of many different items relating to different subjects in science, such as trees and planets. These students work tirelessly on this art, and the permanence of their hard work is unique to this project. The Orb had an opportunity to speak to a member of NAHS, junior Nico Suriano, for some behind the scenes information about the project.
Q: How easy/difficult is it to manage working on the mural alongside school?
A: I have found it to be pretty difficult to balance my time working on the mural. In the beginning of the year, it was easy to use my time in Pathways but as classes bumped up their course work, I no longer had time to work in Pathways. I have spent the majority of my time working on the mural in the mornings before school.
Q: How rewarding is it to know that your work is so permanent in the school?
A: It is a great motivation and honestly an honor to be able to work on a permanent piece in the school. I’ve had my work displayed from my previous art classes but painting directly on the walls is so different. It is really cool to paint on the walls and it is fun to answer people’s questions while I am working on the mural!
Q: What is the thing you most enjoy about creating this mural?
A: My favorite thing about creating the mural is being a part of a lasting impact. I am working on something that will be immortalized in the school for years in the future. Even if people don’t know my name, they will be able to see something I was a part of. I also just love creating art, especially painting. It has been very relaxing and fun to work on.
Q: Any other comments/statements?
A: Shout out to Mrs. Fritz, she is the sponsor of our National Art Honors Society, and she is an incredible person and teacher. We could not have had this opportunity without her.