SSN: 6A school with 3A facilities
May 9, 2023
It’s no question that on Friday nights HSE fills up the stands with ease. People could say we have a great attendance, amazing student body and a great team to cheer for. Though those things were true this past season there is also the issue of our stadium being outdated for our endlessly growing school. Athletic Director Jim self said, “We are a 6a school with 3a facilities”. This is a great way of explaining this problem. Our football stadium is not big enough to hold our 4,600-student school. Rumors have been going around that there will be an expansion to Hamilton southeastern in 2026 and athletics will be a part of It. But that is not guaranteed. One of the main roadblocks in upgrading royal Reynolds stadium is Fishers Highschool. Because HSE and FHS are in the same school district any upgrade or big donations that come to HSE also must go to fishers. This can pose a real problem. So though there is rumors of a plan sometime in the future, Until then HSE will have to live with the issue of an outdated and small football facility for the gigantic school.