Both male and female students are frequently sent to their dean because of dress code violations, especially at the beginning and end of the school year. Rules of thumb include that midriffs should be covered, straps should be wider than three fingers and hems should be longer than where the student’s fingertips reach. (Jackie Smith, a 2015 graduate, models a school-appropriate outfit in this photo.) Boys may not wear t-shirts with the sleeves cut off and arm openings reaching down to their waists. School administration stresses that, although there are guidelines, the dean has the final say in whether or not a student is dressed inappropriately. “You want to leave no question that someone would look at you and your countenance, and not be offended,” dean Jagga Rent said. “Don’t worry about the technicalities of if it’s long enough, but instead whether or not people would be offended by your dress, whether it’s a message on your shirt or the length. I tell kids, if you have a question about what you’re going to wear, don’t wear it. Or you can take a picture of yourself wearing the outfit at home and bring it in to show us, and we’ll say yes or no.”