Q: What is your position, what do you have to do for it and how long have you been in the club?
A: I am co-president of Royal Ambassadors along with Lauren Kopka. Our main duties are coordinating club events and meetings and helping create a more welcoming environment at HSE. I have been a part of Royal Ambassadors since my sophomore year and on leadership since my junior year.
Q: What is your favorite part of the club?
A: My favorite part about being in Royal Ambassadors is that I get to help create a welcoming community here at HSE and connect with a variety of different students.
Q: What is something that you would tell people to get them to join the club?
A: I would tell people that if you like meeting new people and having a leadership role, then this is the club for you.
Q: What experiences have you had through the club?
A: My sophomore year I found it really difficult to be involved and this club helped with that. It put me out of my comfort zone when it came to meeting new people. After being in this club for so long I now am more comfortable with public speaking and putting myself out there.
Q: What has been your favorite moment from either this year or last year from the club?
A: My favorite moment from last year was our end of the year party. We had games, food and a generous number of people who attended. I am so excited to see what new and fun experiences Royal Ambassadors will bring me this year.