The Heartache of Being Sidelined From Your Favorite Sport

Hali Woody

Track runner, Elia Blackmore is a sophomore who enjoys hanging out with friends, paddle boarding on Geist and more than anything running. Freshman year she had an amazing season going to and placing at state as well as placing 3rd at nationals in the shuttle hurdle relay. This track season Elia received news that she injured her back and would not be able to run the full season. This crushed her because she says that this was supposed to be her “grinding year” . She discusses that her biggest accomplishment of sophomore year would be her ability to still run after her injury. When Elia was asked about how she prepared for the season with an injury she stated “ I went to physical therapy and rested.” Looking back, she is very happy that she took the time off instead of pushing and making her injury worse. At first she was really disapointed when getting diagnosed with her back injury and it was hard for her to see all her teammates competing but she never looked down on herself and tried to keep a positive attitude.  I also asked her how she is staying positive throughout her injury and  how she supports the team even though she is not always out there running on the track. Elia states, ”I stayed positive by always attending the practices even when I could not run because I was around my friends and being happy for my teammates helped distract me and keep a positive attitude. Off and on the track Eila is a great teammate and track runner. As Elia speedily approaches her junior year, she is ready to Hit the gas running. She discusses that she would love to run in college. Nevertheless she will be training all summer to be ready next season. Come support the Hse Girls track team at state.