SSN: Amber Lutrell Q&A

Davis Gerig

I had a chance to catch up with sophomore girls golfer Amber Luttrell, I asked her questions about her experience with golf, and how the pandemic has effected the season, and what playing sports at HSE is like. This is what she had to say.

Q:What made you want to golf

A:I have played golf since I was little. I have always wanted to play golf, because I knew you could play until you got old. I love to be outside and this is the perfect sport to be outside and be able to play until you get very old. I know people in their 80’s that still are playing golf. That is one of the things I like about golf it brings young and old together in one sport.

Q:What does HSE mean to you

A: To me HSE means competing and working hard. We work hard everyday and expect to go out and preform our best. Sometimes the dice doesn’t roll how you want it to, but you just have to go back and work on what your problem was. We compete with every school in the state of Indiana, and our standards are very high.

Q: what would you tell a 8th grader thing about sports at HSE

A: I would tell them if they aren’t ready to work hard than they shouldn’t play. Not just golf, but all sports at HSE require you to work and prepare each and every day. If you can’t do that then you probably wont make the team.