SSN: Girls Golf Season Recap

Photo contributed by Marissa Spreitzer

Davis Gerig

2020 has been a crazy year, many people thought sports would not be played. Athletes would have to be socially distant and wear masks, as for golf it was different. Golf is regarded as one of the safest sports, because of the least contact and you can be socially distant.

The girls golf team had a great season, as they made it to state and eventually got 7th. When I asked coach Steve Guenin about how the girls made it to state, and how there season exceeded expectations, he said “We worked hard in practice, and were able to prepare and compete like no other team.”

Golf is a unique sport in which it is scored. They have induvidual scores and then they add the scores together to get a team score. They didn’t really have a record as many of the matches they played had more than 2 teams. The golfers were very excited to get to state and place well. When asked about how she thought the season went sophomore Amber Lutrell said “I thought it went very well and I think the girls tried as hard as they could and gave it their all.”

The girls prepared the best they could and always gave it their all in every tournament and match they played in. They finished 2nd in the HCC and had three golfers that were all HCC, those golfers were Marissa Spreitzer,  Grace Dubec, and Ashley Marckinko.

The girls had a very fun and thrilling season. They worked very hard, and they always went into a match with a mindset to place well.” Lutrell said. “I’m going to miss the seniors as they were such and inspiration and they were great leaders, I can’t for the next two years of my high school golf career.” The girls are getting better and better each year and they are hoping to make another run next year.